Top South African Rappers

11:05:00 AM


Hey guys it's Mr Lunga back with a new post and this time we are still keeping it music based. I have always wanted to do a post like this for years, simply because I like to to start a discussion on the topic at hand. Now you would have already realized that this is Mr Lunga's list so mostly my thoughts and opinions on who is the top or one of the top South African rappers are. Lets get it out of the way just as we start I am no Hip Hop head or GURU or MASTER (not even a professional) but I listen to a fair amount of Rap/HipHop music to formulate an opinion.

South Africa at this very moment is experiencing a culture explosion of sorts through music, art, film and everything creative heck the rest of the world is looking to us now for inspiration (pretty good). Now when it comes to Hip Hop or the culture itself has really come a long way to be where it is today being so mainstream and ever so commercial. I will just have you know that things were very different say maybe 15 years ago as people use to laugh at anyone invested in the culture.

The struggle was official! Now I'm no hater but when you compare what it was then to what it is now things have changed in such a big way and in a good way. The quality of the sound, the quality of the videos that are coming out have really influenced the culture that is now. Every where you look Hip Hop, everything you hear Hip Hop. Songs that are able to boast 'most played', 'most downloaded' and 'song of the year'. yes Hip Hop is here and here to stay.


Now based on what I listen to and to what I am exposed to on a daily basis my list is built from what I like, what I can't ignore (even when I don't like it) and what really blows my mind. This list is in no particular order it's just the top five I could think of (I actually had six but I didn't want drag this post). Also the videos that I have linked are the artists most viewed on YouTube and if you would like to follow them on their respective social media. 


Mr Super Mega himself as his name states is arguably South Africa's biggest Rap star, whether you like him or hate he is what he is and he'll stay that way as he's been in the game for a long time. He has been in the Hip Hop scene the longest on this list. Man I just realized he was in a group I use to enjoy listening to back in the day 'Entity'. He makes popular rap music that is enjoyed by almost all the demographic of South Africa, he mostly achieves this by sampling South African classics into his music (a sure way to win over your audience). He is a somewhat controversial artist as he always speaks his mind with no filters. It's always interesting to watch what his next move will be.

You can follow him if you'd like: Twitter: @akaworldwide  Instagram: @akaworldwide
Or watch his most viewed video instead:


Now I don't know much about K.O as an individual artist but I'm aware of the work he put out form the the very successful rap group 'Teargas'. Teargas has always delivered social issue messages in their music and their music really made you think. The leader of 'Cashtime Life' (their label and brand). K.O has broken records in the South African music scene once having the biggest song ever in South Africa 'Caracara' (I'm talking all genres) it's so uplifting to get into a song organically (this is when I used to listen to FM Radio) and wonder "who da fuck is this dude" yeah the song was that good.

Twitter: @MrCashtime Instagram: @MrCashtime
Here's his most viewed video:

Riky Rick

The more serious of the list Riky Rick (well to me) puts a lot of effort into the things he does as an artist, his music is okay but where he really shines is how he portrays himself and his 'art'. Hails from Durban (where I'm from) I would like to think he is the edgier rapper in this list and in South Africa yes he does make some bubblegum rap but if you watch and listen to some of his work you will notice a serious tone throughout his work.

Twitter: @rikyrickworld Instagram: @rikyrickworld
See his most viewed video:


Out of nowhere he came and blew up in our faces with the super trap smash hit 'Roll Up' I would like say he is new to the scene (correct me if I'm wrong) but even with that he has become a household name in South Africa from your Grandma to a toddler everyone knows Roll Up and even after it's been over a year his song is still being pumped all over. I have to admit Emtee is the only artist that made me get a whole rap album and I have no regrets. Very well produced album from a new artist and world class. Now I'm big trap music fan and I like that Emtee has made it kinda mainstream to the South African audience.

Twitter: @EmteeSA  Instagram: @emteethahustla
Check out his smash most viwed video:

Cassper Nyovest

Mr 'pony tail' rounds off the list and what a great way to end of this list with the most loved rapper in South Africa loved in the sense that he is a clean cut all round 'good boy' rapper. What I like mostly about Cassper's music is his beats they are so well arranged if you weren't looking you would think it's an American artist. This just proves to show how far we have come when comes to Hip Hop and the Hip Hop culture. It also shows how good of an artist Cassper is when you can influence kids to add a fake pony tail in the name of Hip Hop!

Twitter: @CassperNyovest Instagram: @CassperNyovest
See him influence the youth with his most viewed video:

I hope you find this list interesting at the least, you may disagree with the choices I have put before you but I'd like you to differ with my choices so that I get schooled too to why you like a certain rapper.

Mr Lunga

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