Crystal Aire Purifier Review How it saved my life

5:39:00 PM

Crystal Aire Air Purifier

I suffer from sinuses and suffer is putting it mildly because I live with this painfully every day but before I share my pains with you I want to tell you that I only started getting sinus problems as an adult. I always use to think that it was a thing that you were born with as I saw this growing up with a cousin of mine
(it use to annoy me so much until it started bothering me).

I struggle mostly in the morning when I wake up with a runny nose intense sneezing and pure frustration. This would happen for years until I researched what causes it and it dawned on me up until I moved out of home  and to my own place, this is where the problem really started to get out of hand. Dusty, moldy, damp space I figured I was in a apartment that would be favorable for my sinus problem or for anyone to suffer the same.
So I decided to move to another apartment and things were good because I moved in to a brand spanking new room that no one had lived in (it was only good for like three months). The sinuses were back and brought with them new friends 'mildew' yes this was a problem because it was growing all over my clothes and shoes and anything wooden. Some sort of dust mites also decided to join the party (oh my woes).
At some point I found out the main culprit was that my ceiling was full of water due to a seal that was not being secured properly and ceiling water was the perfect environment for all of this to happen at such a fast pace and the  Durban humidity was making it even worse.

Water was leaking through the globe!

And there was a whole lake in my ceiling, just imagine the monsters that can breed from this!
The leakage freak-age that was the source of my sinus problems, was leaking from the roof through the room above mine!

After many attempts at trying to super clean the house and airing it out hoping it would reduce the rate that I was getting these violent sneeze episodes. I decided to go research deeper to see if there was a product that would help my suffering. The first product tried out was a disposable dehumidifier and I have already reviewed that you can check out the review here. That product was great but wasn't powerful enough as I was 'dying' from my sinus problem. I was looking for something that was going to do the job well but would out breaking the bank.

Enter the Crystal Aire purifier, now I only bought this product for it's main features
because it said it could eradicate all the problems I was experiencing but I did struggle from making a choice between it and dehumidifier. I purchased this product from Clicks (online) and it retails for R499 (silly me I could never find the purifier which is why i ordered online) where they do sell in stores also. I think I made a good decision because it really does what it set out to do.
These are it's main features:
  • Soothes Allergies
  • Kills Bacteria
  • Cleans the air
Crystal Aire Purifier goes a bit further but you should remember that this is a standard purifier (it says so on the box) on top of it's main features it helps remove airborne allergens and germs such as:

  • Pollen
  • Smoke
  • Mold
  • Viruses
  • Bacteria
  • Pet Dander
  • Dust Mites
Yeah we can safely say I was having problems with the above listed annoyances (well most of them). From the first use this product is effective in cleaning out the baddies that are in the air, it does take some minutes until you can actually feel some of  the effects but for you to breathe easy within an hour that does say a lot.

Simple to set up and connect just don't be a klutz like me who didn't put on the top properly and had water spray all over the floor. They say it can work fine with just the water only but works best when you use the concentrates that are made for it (they don't come included). The concentrates come scented I bought a set of 3:
  • Pegromenate
  • Ocean Breeze
  • Vanilla

My favourite being the Ocean Mist there's just something clean about it that just has the room smelling fresh.


There's just something mesmerising about how this machine works watching how the water swirls and making a purring sound especially when that thick foam forms while it cleans out the bad air.

When it comes to how this product has made such a significant change in my life, it helped me with my breathing and in some way controlling my sinuses and improving the overall quality of my flat making it much more accommodating. I'm telling you I use to suffer before I bought this air purifier my nose use to be so runny the only way I could stop it from running was to leave the building (like when had to go work or something), my eyes use to be unbearably itchy coupled with the runny nose and don't forget the violent sneezing that would leave me traumatised so yeah I can boastingly say that this product has saved my life. Yes I have done the nasal sprays and sinus pills etc but I'm not about that drugged up life.

I hope that after sharing this story/review it has brought light and awareness to something new to you or to something that will help you and others. I hope that I've helped (which is always the point of my reviews) all I ask in return is to please share this post with a friend or loved one better yet comment on this post (share your experiences with a similar or even the same product), you can also subscribe to our mailing list to receive posts just like this one in the future, thanks for your time.

Mr Lunga

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