Top Five Songs You Should Have on your Playlist

8:59:00 PM

RnB is making a big comeback and I'm calling it before it makes a huge breakout. Ok the reason I'm saying this is because of the music I have been listening to lately, now I don't really have a type of genre of music that I devote myself to, I like all types of music. Normally I jump from genre to genre month to month my playlist was varied but recently or more often than usually I have spent quite a long time on RnB and hip hop.

Say about three years ago it has been very dry for RnB music but within those three years leading up until now and with the help of Apple Music new artists have been breaking out and the overall quality of RnB music has evolved to something that truly is amazing. I don't want to blow my own horn here but this is how I had always envisioned modern music to grow into and it's happening now. I strongly believe that the RnB that is re-surging will be the dominant and most commercially accessible music that all will be enjoying. I'm not saying this just because I can, when you look at it it's not enough to just sing RnB you gotta have that certain edge and most of the music that's coming out now the artists showcase unique singing abilities, others (most) rap and sing but it's quite the norm to be a triple threat in the industry.
I'm looking at this new wave of music as I look at how EDM (Electronic Dance Music) took over everything and I was there from the beginning of the EDM front. Personally I feel a new genre should be dubbed (if it hasn't already yet) because you have rappers singing, you have RnB artists rapping and doing a whole lot of non traditional things. I honestly feel a fitting name for the genre should be called 'Urban' music.

I'm probably blabbering a whole bunch of foolishness but my sole purpose of this post is to share with you a bunch RnB artists that are making a lot noise (in my book that is) and I'm pretty sure will be the next big thing if they already aren't. They are on constant repeat, I've added them to my playlist and you should also include them in your playlist, I believe they are that good.

No 1

 This artist is the main reason for making this post. When I first heard him on one of my favourite Apple Music playlists (A-List RnB) his vocals alone were powerful enough to suck me in deeply, such a unique voice for RnB and has the potential to be versatile. The song in question is Saved.

No 2

It's always good to listen to music and being amazed by how good a song is but it's more refreshing when you're expectations are defied when on further research I found out the artist was of a different race (and this is why I say RnB is evolving and that is a very good thing). With all that aside what very interesting message this song holds as much as it can be like a club song.

No 3

Now this one is real special! Have you ever had a song slap you silly with nostalgia that your skin was vibrating with goosebumps well if you ever grew up watching Dawson's creek and you enjoyed the title sequence song well here it has a dark eerie sample that just works, just bear in mind that this is a singing and rapping duo and they (see what I just did) have done a masterful job.

No 4

Raw, edgy and gangsta. Truly amazing at how you can look at a music artist (especially RnB) and have certain expectations mainly because of how they look but totally get a mind blowing experience when you hear them sing and what they sing about, that's all I'm  saying for this one the music speaks for itself. This is the new RnB.

No 5

Lazy feel, chilled vibes on this one and a little more on the traditional side of RnB but refreshed for the modern times. Daniel has some really amazing vocal abilities you should also check out my other favourite of mine 'Japanese Denim'.

OK these are top picks of music tracks that are on constant repeat and fairly new (to me) to the music industry and I believe they deserve some shine and appreciation. Yes I do listen to more music and more artists but these just stuck out for me more than the others. So far for 2017 these are top 5 songs and artists that I'm looking out for, hopefully I will keep updating this list more and more there's always music to go around. Thanks for joining me on this post I hope I have enlightened you to new music and further enriched your love of  music, until my next post PEACE.

Mr Lunga 

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