Mystify Dehumidifier Product Review

12:13:00 PM

Mystify Dehumidifier Product Review

Hey everyone Mr Lunga here and today I just had to post something that has made a huge change in my life. Okay so long story short I stay at a flat/apartment that is not very kind to my sinuses, well what I'm trying to say is that my flat has mould or mildew and ever since I had moved in the problem has gotten ever so bad! I suffer daily with a blocked, runny and sneezy nose.

For the longest time I have been telling myself I to buy a dehumidifier but to my surprise after doing some research I found out that they are not cheap ( I hear they help in eliminating the sinus problem that I have caused by mould). So I was already planning to purchase one electrical dehumidifier at reasonable price when I had the funds (currently I'm a broke ass) and I even put it down on my to do list and at the top of my list too.

So the other day I was going about my daily errands (grocery shopping) and I was in the home cleaning products aisle minding my own business and out of the blue I see this Mystify dehumidifier.
Hold up, wait a minute, what? I thought these things are supposed to be pricey and you have to power them up with some electricity or something. Boy was I wrong and I had no idea! (These are the problems of being a man and the ignorance of taking care of one's apartment)

Boy did this come at a shock to me, this simple looking easy to use portable product could very well be the answer to my prayers (or at the very least attempt to be). I look at the price and my jaw was dropped at the supermarket floor ( I was at Shoprite by the way) not that it was expensive but the fact that poor old me could also afford this nifty product and at R16,99 I just had to try it out!

Soon as I got home it was the first thing I got out of my grocery bag and I just could not wait to start using it I was so excited I mean I have never even heard of such up until today. Why am I excited again? Oh I might just have the answer that may reduce my sinus problems.

I quickly read the instructions on how to set it up and to find basically what it's all about. Well to my findings this turns out to be Calcium Chloride balls ( the closest I can relate this to is the chlorine that is added to your swimming pool), this actually helps with:
  • Absorbs excess moisture to prevent mould and mildew.
  • Helps protect against damp and condensation
  • Helps eliminate musty odours 

Well I was so excited I didn't read the instructions properly I ended up doing what the instruction told me not to do! DO NOT REMOVE WHITE FILTER PAPER

Okay reading the instructions for the second time I realized my mistake so I proceeded to placing back the filter paper back on so the damn thing could have a chance of working. While it was open I was so curious as to what those tiny balls were (Calcium Chloride) and some where lavender scented so to give off your chosen room that lovely fragrance.

I kid you not, literally after the first night of use I could already see the results of this amazing product. Normally every morning my bedroom windows have condensation, oh no not today thanks to the Mystify dehumidifier this was not going to be today and also when I wake up I wake up with crazy sinus problems: blocked nose, sneezing, runny nose etc. This morning was different it was a Mystify morning and I was very happy to breathe with ease and having no sinus complications.

Whats amazing is that the packaging states that the product should last 45 days before all the balls dissolve, that's amazing! At least I know I will be taken care of this long. I still plan on getting the pricey electrical dehumidifier because I want it to thoroughly clean the air in my flat.

Such a random post I know but that's what I'm about and I love it. Expect more similar posts in the future.

Mr Lunga.

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  1. if you also suffer from allergies and asthma, then the best solution you can get are affordable humidifier at Relaxing Humidifier.


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