Steers Bacon and Cheese Burger Review

7:32:00 AM

Welcome to another post brought to you by Mr Lunga and if you haven't guessed it yes we are doing another food review and today we have decided for a fast food take away item from the Steers franchise. So we're having a burger, YAY! A Steers Bacon and Cheese Buger.
So it seems like I'm getting into this habit of reviewing food (well only two food items so far) well to be honest I really like it, it's fun and it's tasty. I do have some ideas on where I want to go with this style of reviewing and you will have to stay tuned to see how it will turn out.

Now back to the burger itself it's not so much a big burger but the patty is decent with the bacon and the cheese that come with it I can understand it's pricing of R64. For this post I prepared a written review and a video review I was going to leave lot of it to the video but more is always good.

Steers make very good burgers(they are very useful after a nights party for me mostly) compared to others that are in the similar business. This may not be their 'Wow' burger but trust me they have plenty of those to go about (maybe might cover them in the future).

Bacon streaks and tangy cheddar cheese always make a good combination to a burger and it certainly did not fail my taste buds. This beef burger was very meaty and Steers are know for that since they use 100% real beef for their patties. The deliciousness of the patty,cheese,bacon,tomato,onion and a dash of ranch sauce just provides the right kind of balance. The burger was not bland or had too much ingredients, so if you want an in-between burger that's not too boring or intimidating then this would be the right choice.

Thoroughly enjoyed this burger and the experience of reviewing fast food/take-away I think I might just make it a thing, seems fun and that is why I added a video review also.

Hope you enjoy this review and the video, I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to structure these reviews whether or not to include a rating system we'll see I have a lot of ideas cooking so stick it out til then.

Mr Lunga.

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